Friday, February 5, 2010

Many degrees below zero...

Yes it's a little chilly at 8:30 on a February morning here in Alaska but sometimes a mom has to seize the opportunity and this was mine. I had just dropped Jaxon off at school because once a week or so the extra 30-45 minutes of sleep we can get by not making the bus is more valuable to me, this was one of those mornings. I was already in downtown Talkeetna and it was amazingly light out already, or working on it we are gaining 6 minutes a day now, so I headed down to the river trail. My car was telling me it was a toasty -8 degrees below zero out, that was in the parking lot the trail at the river was a little colder still. The view looked like a painting on the horizon as it often does here. To my left was the half moon still bright in the dimly lit sky and straight across the mighty frozen Susitna & Chulitna Rivers was the alpenglow lighting the mountain range that includes Denali, Hunter and Foraker. Quite a sight, you almost forget your cheeks and toes are numb while your staring at it. Then the creaks and thunderous sounds from the river ice startle and intrigue you at the same time. The chunks of ice break off the shelf splashing into the water. These are the sounds of break up, but it's February and this isn't normal to hear now. It must be due to the warm winter we have had, warm in relation to Alaska that is. Summer last year was also quite warm, and I wouldn't mind another one like it. Even though the view is breathtaking it's not a long walk because it's cold out. I didn't have my camera or I would happily share with you what I was lucky enough to see that morning, and alot of other days too. We are blessed everyday to live where we do. On my way home the car thermometer got up to 3 above in one spot but then it plummeted to -12 and then -15 below out at my house only 5 miles from the river walk, weird. Warm thoughts from cold temps. Love from Alaska to all of you!

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