Thursday, February 23, 2012

Top Ten Ways You Know Your An Alaskan Mom...

10. It's OK to "go out" in hip-waders or Carharts.

9. You have a headlamp or flashlight in your purse all winter.

8. The back up wipes you keep in the car are frozen solid.

7. When it's 28 degrees out and you think it's a warm day.

6. Your child's school bag contains more snowgear than books.

5. To quickly chill a dish you set it out on the porch not in the fridge.

4. When your kids ask for salmon, moose or caribou for dinner.

3. You drive over 150 miles for groceries.

2. When you you wake up to a moose licking your car (seriously, it happens).

1. If you take your kids to the bus stop on a snowmachine or dogsled.

Not sure what Letterman would think of my top 10 list, maybe I should send it to him... ;0)

*I never did forward this to Dave... It's a repeat post from 2008 but still relevant today and could easily represent moms in several states besides Alaska.

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