Sunday, December 6, 2009

Our New Pups

Luna had her puppies the night of December 5th (Bachelor Ball night here) about an hour after I got home from an all day craft fair until a little after midnight. There are 5 healthy little pups (one is hiding under her leg in the photos). She did great and all by herself, we observed and encouraged but didn't assist. We still haven't really handled them and she won't leave them even for a potty break yet. There is one lighter one with a mask that is really cute (far left in photos and if it's a girl the local preschool teacher wants it), the rest are darker in color and the first out was the biggest and fatest. We don't plan to keep any and a few most likely already have homes-to-be, but it should be fun for the couple months we will have them. Jax was awake for the first one and Hawken woke up just before the last one was born so they both saw a little of it, then we went to bed not sure if there were more coming or not and in the morning there were still just the 5 of them. The dad is Lupo (we are pretty sure because of timing and the markings on them), our friend's Husky/German Shepard mix. He's a nice dog and fast, loves to run. Luna is a McKenzie River Husky so they are basically Husky Shepards, great Alaska dogs. Check back to watch them grow, they already seem a little bigger today :0) never a dull moment...

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