Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Stop Trashing The Planet


Read this article and then tell me, "what are we doing to our world and all the poor animals on it?" Pretty sick that our garbage is killing wildlife and sea creatures. Rubber gloves, plastic bags and sweat pants? Come on people, what's it going to take to keep this stuff out of the water and animals stomachs? It's bad enough it's piling up on land faster than we can bury it into the poor earth. I was also appalled to find out this week that ships at sea are still allowed to dump trash and human waste into the ocean as long as they are a certain number of miles off shore. WHAT THE HELL!? It's the ocean, it won't matter where and when they do it, it's still in the ocean and now free to roam or be eaten. The swirling garbage fields of broken down plastic and trash that have been reported need to filmed or photographed so the public can see how gross and disturbing this problem really is! I'm not exempt either, I don't litter but I do have a family and in this day and age it's pretty hard to create no trash at all. We do burn what we can and recycle when we can, I also pick up other peoples trash when I find it (recycling is yet another challenge here in Alaska). I don't have an answer to this problem but would urge everyone to be conscious of all the trash they make, help clean up after others, never throw anything into the water and maybe help advocate for the animals out there that can't speak up for themselves. I also think something should be done about waste from ships. They need to adopt the wilderness motto "If you pack it in then pack it out!" Even the mountain climbers here take responsibility for their own waste, you always know when they are headed up there because they are carrying around their "honeypot" Basically a personal toilet bucket with a screw on lid. It isn't a pretty topic but I have decided it's one we have to start talking about anyway! We only have one earth, let's be nice to it...

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