"Got Breastmilk?" The statement speaks for itself, doesn't it? You would think... I can answer YES to this question (and so can he) but you know who can't? The California Milk Processors Board can't, which is strange since they have applied for the trademark on it. That's right and I think they may get it too because they can "afford" to make it happen even though they must know they have no right to it unless they are starting a new production line we don't know about. It's all about $ and the cash cow (ha, pun intended) that it could be. They funny part is they were quoted saying they want to merchandise the phrase "Got Breastmilk?" on t-shirts, onesies, BOTTLES and diaper bags etc. Wait a minute, BOTTLES? Now that is just stupid! Most of you know about my run in last summer with the CMPB and for those of you who don't here are the story links:
http://thelactivist.blogspot.com/2008/07/california-milk-processor-board-goes.html or
http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/ethicalesq/2008/07/30/got-jugs/ and
http://hoydenabouttown.com/20080915.2198/california-dairy-industry-tries-to-trademark-got-breastmilk/(or google it and it shows up on a bunch of other blogs too, the Anchorage Daily News story on it has expired now). Anyway I'm not the only one they have harassed over this and so many people use it they have a lawyer on it full time it would seem. This poor girl in California is the next victim and this time they are suing her and her parents who she ran the business with! All I can say is "CORPORATE GREED SUCKS!"
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