Sunday, March 3, 2013

Killer Icicles

The sun was out and they slid off later that day with a big crash on the ground...


Melina said...

this is something seattlites just don't understand. the power, danger, beauty, awe, of HUGE icicles falling off the roof all at once. it literally makes you wake up for a minute inside the house, pause whatever you're doing, and think, "If I had been under that gutter for some reason, I'd be dead now. Woo! Glad I'm alive!"

In my opinion, the more moments of gratitude regarding life, the better! I grew up in vermont and we had these hanging icicles....although, since winter is warming in vermont, we're getting them less and less....

love your alaskan life!

B. Holmes said...

Thanx Lina! I just read this after commenting on your blog (2 days in a row)... Yes, it's another world up here and hard to understand unless you have done it.